Helping survivors reclaim their dignity and independence
Welcome back to SRU for 2025!​
* No Furniture pick-ups or donations on Fridays - our donation/ furniture
warehouse is CLOSED ON FRIDAYS.
* SAVE THE DATE! - Our 2025 Charity Gala Ball is on Friday 30th May.
Tickets are on sale from Monday 4th November! Click here

If you would like to donate to help us continue to provide our services to the community, please click the donate button below!
Alternatively, to set up a recurring monthly donation, please use our bank account details;
BSB: 650 000 ​ Account Number: 5278 90302

Here's a glimpse into what we do & how much we're
helping the community...
Statistics from January 1 - November 30, 2024

Filmed by Brennan Coan 2023
Oz Harvest Video
About Survivor's R Us
Founded in March of 2017, Survivor's R Us (SRU) is a not-for-profit charity and benevolent institution that supports survivors of domestic violence, homelessness and unemployment.
We are not affiliated with any other organisations and do not receive any funding from other sources. All of our staff are volunteers. 100% of the money received in sales, grants and donations goes directly back into the day-to-day running of the charity.
Courtesy: IMB Bank Facebook page
Who does SRU help?
We will give help to anybody. Regardless of race, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation. The harm of domestic violence, homelessness and unemployment does not discriminate choosing its victims, so the treatment and support to cure it must match. If you or someone you know needs help, we want to provide that support.
How can SRU help?
How can SRU help?
We offer free professional counselling services, maintain a discount food warehouse we call "The Pantry" and have an op-shop that sells both pre-loved items and made on-site items by our wonderful volunteers in our design team.
We also supply dignity bags, children’s toys and donate household furniture for families who have nothing or have lost everything.
Courtesy: Joblink Plus Youtube channel​
Why is there so much free food?
We hate food waste. Together with our supporters, we aim to reduce food wastage through food reclamation efforts. With their help, we try to find a new home for our supporter's supply and donations of food that would otherwise be discarded. This food could be close to its End of Shelf-life date or B-grade fruit & vegetables that stores deem unsuitable for their shelves.
How much do you pay your staff?
The team at Survivor’s R Us is completely made up of volunteers as well as people from the Workforce Australia program.
Workforce Australia and other work placement services provide us with essential volunteer staff to help give back to our community while gaining basic skills, confidence, and excellent work experience to help them gain paid employment. Or just for their own personal well-being and mental health.
What is the motivation that drives Survivor's R Us?
Survivor's R Us was founded by Ann-Maria Martin, also a survivor of domestic violence. First-hand experience has taught her how hard it is to get out of a domestic violence situation, especially if children are involved. At the time there wasn't a complete service for her needs, so she founded her own charity to tackle domestic violence. The driving force behind Survivor's R Us is the answer to the question "What resources did I wish I had when I tried to escape domestic violence?".
Why is a domestic violence charity also fighting hunger, homelessness and unemployment?
Physically escaping a domestic violence situation can suddenly leave a person:
- Homeless
- Bank account frozen, or money taken from shared accounts
- Totally isolated. Enough to be socially distanced and unemployed becoming financially dependent on their abuser if the abuse is extensive.
Fighting domestic violence is never just one issue, it's all linked and sometimes very complex. There is never a one-size-fits-all approach to domestic violence. The solution needs to be as varied and robust as the abuse survivors are trying to escape. And if that means we have clients that aren't experiencing domestic violence, then we're just contributing more good back into our community. And we're okay with that.
What if Survivor's R Us can't help me?
That's okay too, we probably know someone who can. A conversation doesn't cost you anything. Survivor's R Us isn't interested in competing or 'being the best at any cost' with other charities. One key problem with domestic violence is the isolation of its victim.
Survivor's R Us combats the isolating nature of domestic violence with cooperation and a safety net of charity networking. We host events and networking breakfasts on the second Tuesday of every month with politicians and charities in the local area to build helpful friendships and share information and ideas to best serve our communities.
We must be doing something right, please see our awards and recognition page here.
Awards Australia Member
Awards Australia Member